Privacy Policy

At CasinoAlpha, we prioritize your data security. This Privacy Policy details our practices for handling personal information, including cookie usage, data collection, newsletter subscriptions, third-party sharing, and our dedication to responsible gaming and compliance with legal standards.

Cookies and their functionalities

Cookies are files that collect core information about the users. There are several types of cookies, including:

  • Traffic log: these cookies keep track of the pages you browse while you are with us.
  • Authentication: to make your authentication process smoother and more secure, we store your account information. Furthermore, this type of cookie knows what device you are logging in from, so it is quick to identify any potentially malicious third party.
  • Tracking: these files stock information about your browsing habits in the long term.

What else should I know about cookie files?

Remember that cookies can be transient (session cookies) or persistent. In our website’s case, tracking cookies fall under the latter category. Their primary goal is to optimize your on-site experience, for example, by showing you the casino reviews that have already picked your interest first.

Whenever you enter our webpage, we will explicitly ask you whether you consent to cookie use.

Subscribing to our newsletters

We require your consent to send you newsletters. This way, if you submit your email address, you will receive daily updates of our website and its associated promotions. Besides your email, we have access to your IP address – this way, we will always be aware of your location. However, there is no other motivation for our IP processing. Please remember that you can email us and:

  • Unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time;
  • Ask us whether your data has gone through processing;
  • Demand a copy of the data we have processed;
  • Ask for the deletion of your info.

Each of these requests will take 30 days to process; afterwards, you will be able to browse the website within the parameters you requested.

Other information we collect

We store personal information like your:

  • Country of residence;
  • Email address;
  • Name.

We will, of course, collect this data when you register on our website and when you subscribe to us. If you press the ‘follow’ buttons on our social media pages, we will also know your username on the networks. On top of that, know that we may conduct surveys and competitions from time to time. The information you provide while filling these forms will go under our data controlling. Furthermore, the communications you have with us may stay in our records. If you identify any issue with our website and with casino gameplay, we can create more comprehensive and insightful guides.

Can this data reach a third-party institution?

Although we may disclose your information to other entities, keep in mind that they follow the same regulations as we do. As such, your data will be stored securely in their database. In addition, if our business goes through a merger or an acquisition process, user information will transfer to the new owner.

Apart from these scenarios, we will only disclose your details in the event of legal action. More specifically, if the court absolutely requires our disclosure.

A legal background

We are obliged by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to be transparent about how we process data. Besides, laws in New Zealand impose a strict regulation of data controllers that offer their services within the country’s borders.

Moreover, the country’s privacy commissioner implemented a notification tool, which helps organizations keep track of data breaches. Based on their severity, the device will also help determine whether they are reportable.

The role of transparency in responsible gaming

We dedicate ourselves to creating a self and responsible gaming environment. As such, our reviews and the promotions we describe target adults only. We protect children from underage gambling through several methods:

  • The texts we create do not contain words that cater to underage people or are likely to be searched by them;
  • We do not give players access to free play on our website;
  • The bonuses accessible from our page require registration beforehand;
  • All the casinos we review have robust KYC procedures. As such, a minor person cannot successfully create an account. Or if they do, the casino will soon terminate their membership;
  • If we discover that one of our users is not of age, we do not collect their data.

The no liability policy

We always make sure you have a secure experience while browsing our pages. Furthermore, we are supporters of child protection actions, and our products do not target them in any way. Still, if an underage user discovers a gambling venue through our website and engages in illicit play, we are not liable for the financial and social consequences.

Will the policies change?

The Privacy policy can likely go through modifications from time to time. To keep track of the legal changes that might occur over time, we suggest you visit our website regularly and verify this very page. And if you have any more enquiries, do not hesitate to contact us.

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